Professional-grassroots activism divide / Indonesia law challenge / 1MDB hurts Goldman Sachs

Bridging the Elite-Grassroots Divide Among Anticorruption Activists (Paper/Resource).  “As the field has become more professionalized, anticorruption nongovernment organizations (NGOs) have developed the legal and technical expertise to serve as excellent counterparts/watchdogs for government. Yet this strength can also be a hurdle when it comes to building credibility with the everyday people they seek to represent.”

Abigail Bellows/Carnegie Endowment for International Peace:


Plaintiffs struggle to obtain evidence in attempt to challenge revised KPK Law.  “Lawyers representing a coalition of civil society groups that are challenging the controversial 2019 Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Law have complained about difficulties in securing evidence to support their petition for a judicial review of the recently enacted law… because they did not get access to the necessary documents, said Viola Reinida, one of the lawyers.”

The Jakarta Post:


1MDB settlement hurts Goldman Sachs Q4 profits.  “Goldman Sachs reported a drop in fourth-quarter profits…following a mixed performance in its operating businesses as it set aside $1.1 billion in anticipation of settlements in the 1MDB scandal.”

John Biers/The Asia Times:

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