CPI Asia Pacific / India electoral bond / Indonesia ex-party chairman

CPI 2019: Asia Pacific.  “A regional average of 45, after many consecutive years of an average score of 44, illustrates general stagnation across the Asia Pacific. Despite the presence of high performers like New Zealand (87), Singapore (85), Australia (77), Hong Kong (76) and Japan (73), the Asia Pacific region hasn’t witnessed substantial progress in anti-corruption efforts or results.”

Transparency International: https://www.transparency.org/news/feature/cpi_2019_Asia_Pacific


India’s New Electoral Bond Scheme Won’t Reduce Electoral Corruption. It Will Make the Problem Worse (Blog).  “…the reality is that India has enabled large-scale anonymous donations via shell companies in tax havens explicitly set up for this purpose. At a time when Western liberal democracies are grappling with the corrupting influence of big money in politics, India has just opened the floodgates, and done it in a way that shuts out any kind of oversight.”

Inayat Sabhikhi/The Global Anticorruption Blog:   https://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2020/01/20/indias-new-electoral-bond-scheme-wont-reduce-electoral-corruption-it-will-make-the-problem-worse/


Former PPP Chairman Romahurmuziy Jailed for Graft.  “Judges at the Jakarta Anti-Corruption Court said Romahurmuziy [Former United Development Party (PPP) chairman] was proven to have taken a bribe from two Religious Affairs Ministry officials in return for helping both men get a promotion.”

Jakarta Globe: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/former-ppp-chairman-romahurmuziy-jailed-for-graft

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