Fostering cleaner politics / World Bank data use / Bangladesh political will

Building political integrity to stamp out corruption: three steps to cleaner politics.  “Preventing undue influence in elections, ensuring that policy-making is not captured by narrow interests, and strengthening oversight and scrutiny of the decisions taken by those in power, are three of the basic building blocks for anti-corruption and good governance.”

Roberto Martínez B. Kukutschka, Jorge Valladares and Jon Vrushi/Transparency International


How the World Bank is using data to better detect fraud and corruption (Blog).  We have recently embarked on a data modernization effort to better understand the fraud and corruption risks our institution faces and to better anticipate problems as they come up… we have built an online application to detect patterns among companies bidding on Bank-financed projects.”

Ethiopis Tafara/World Bank:


Do we have the political will to improve? (Opinion).  “Such expectation [that Bangladesh would score better on the Corruption Perception Index] could also be attributed to the Prime Minister’s declaration in the context of the high-profile anti-corruption drive that no one involved in corruption would be spared, irrespective of political affiliation, including her own party.”

Iftekharuzzaman/The Daily Star:

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