International relations corruption / Responsible business roadmap / Myanmar beneficial ownership

Why Fighting Corruption Is Key in a ‘New Era of Great-Power Competition’ (Blog).  “Political systems plagued by graft are more susceptible to foreign malign influence because they incentivize leaders to accumulate power and wealth rather than advance broader national interests. Newer democracies and authoritarian governments are particularly vulnerable because their institutions are weak or have been captured by elites.”

Patrick Quirk and Eguiar Lizundia/World Politics Review:


A transparency roadmap to run a responsible business: four things that say you really mean it (Blog).  This change in discourse towards more transparent, fairer and responsible business is a positive step; however, societies will need to see that corporations, including the partners of WEF Davos 2020, take clear actions and openly report on their progress against the commitments they are making.”

Transparency International:


The Irrawaddy Business Roundup.  “A [Myanmar] government investment agency, the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA), has publicized beneficial ownership information of over 120 extractive companies and state-owned enterprises for the first time on its website, aiming to increase transparency in the sector.”

Nan Lwin/The Irrawaddy:

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