Myanmar online services / Corruption and poverty / Business ethical culture

DICA to provide more services online.  “[Myanmar’s] Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) plans to digitalise all its services to speed up processes and reduce corruption risks.”

Htin Lynn Aung/Myanmar Times:


Corruption, Not Globalization, Is To Blame For Poverty (Opinion).  “The information we have about the real world, however, does not provide ammunition for those who want to blame poverty on globalization. What it does provide is relevant arguments that lack of corruption and good legal and judicial institutions are necessary conditions for the benefits of globalization to reach the poor.”

Alejandro Chafuen/Forbes:   


How businesses can create an ethical culture in the age of tech.  We recommend that executives identify and support mechanisms in their own organizations that factor processes in to consider the complexities presented by ethical decision making. Even if the processes are complex, the contribution to value creation that ethics offers can be tangible and economically significant in the longer term.”

Ann Skeet/World Economic Forum:  

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