Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (3 Aug 2019): Solomon Islands, PNG, Samoa, Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia

Training in the Pacific. Fourteen representatives from seven Pacific countries undertake Ombudsman investigator training in Fiji, following a two-day workshop in March in Vanuatu when the Office of the New Zealand Ombudsman delivered training on prison investigations and inspections.



Solomons govt to launch anti-corruption commission this year.  The Solomon Islands government is planning to launch the country's first Independent Commission Against Corruption before the end of the year.

Police Urges Public to Raise Complaints Through Right Channel.  Provincial Police Commander (PPC) of Temotu Province pointed out: “RSIPF officers shall not commit or attempt to commit an act of corruption or abuse of power as clearly stipulated in schedule 1, regulation 3 of the Police Act 2013 –Regulations 2013, but public are encouraged to provide evidence to the Professional Standards and Internal Investigation (PSII) Department if any RSIPF officer is allegedly involved in any corruption act or abuse of power.”



Learning to fly: piloting research in Papua New Guinea.  The research, eventually conducted across four provinces, aimed at better understanding public servants’ perceptions and experiences of good governance and corruption.

New PNG Police minister to target Paladin. UBS Papua New Guinea's Police Minister, Bryan Kramer, has pledged to investigate links between controversial security contractor Paladin and former prime minister Peter O'Neill, while calling out investment bank UBS for its "fishy" dealings in the Pacific nation.

PNG: Marape’s blueprint for change in a fast vanishing honeymoon.  The establishment of a commission to fight endemic corruption in his country will also be well received.



Samoa police officer charged for acceptingbribe.  A police officer in Samoa has been arrested and charged with accepting a bribe in relation to a drug smuggling case.



Fiji to Teach Schoolchildren to Recognize and Resist Corruption Alongside their English, History, and Social Studies classes, Fiji’s 9 to 18-year-olds will soon be learning about integrity and the importance of recognizing and resisting corruption, as part of the Pacific island’s push to immunize an entire generation to nepotism and graft.

Corruption exists in many forms: FICAC.  Fiji Independent CommissionAgainst Corruption (FICAC) Acting Deputy Commissioner Rashmi Aslam says corruption is known to cripple development and prosperity, wherever it dwells and as a country – Fiji cannot afford to lose the spirits of the future generations to this evil, at the launch of their National Anti-Corruption Curriculum in Suva yesterday which will be implemented in Primary and Secondary schools from Years 5 – 13.



President Panuelo Opens Workshop for the Development & Implementation of a National Anti-Corruption Strategy in the FSM.  His Excellency David W. Panuelo, President of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), addressed the participants and attendees of the Workshop for the Development and Implementation of a National Anti-Corruption Strategy for the FSM.


To know more about the UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project please contact the team members:

Annika Wythes, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser, UNODC,

Mihaela Stojkoska, Anti-Corruption Specialist - Pacific, UNDP,

Maria Lee, Peace & Development Administrative Assistant, UNDP/UNODC,

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