Fair business update / MNCs extraterritorial law / 'Zero Tolerance' criticisms

UNDP Fair Biz in ASEAN Quarterly Newsletter.  Check out UNDP ‘Promoting a Fair Business Environment in ASEAN’ project’s the latest updates for the period of May to July 2019, with highlights in areas of multi-stakeholder engagement, business integrity, and anti-corruption measures.

United Nations Development Programme: https://mailchi.mp/226680fb64f1/fairbizinasean-302327?e=5997629835


We Need An Extraterritorial Law To Hold Companies Responsible For Clean Global Supply Chains (Blog).  “…thanks to pervasive corruption in much of the developing world, cutthroat competition for [Multi-National Companies] customers will inevitably lead to more disasters like Rana Plaza [in Bangladesh], unless MNCs make it clear that they won’t buy from suppliers who violate local health or safety laws.”

Disha Verma/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  https://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2019/08/05/we-need-an-extraterritorial-law-to-hold-companies-responsible-for-clean-global-supply-chains/


Even “Tough on Corruption” Proponents Should Worry about “Zero Tolerance” Rules (Blog).  The question then becomes whether it is better to maintain a formal “zero tolerance” position, while recognizing that in practice deviations are inevitable, or whether it would be better to formally and frankly acknowledge that harsh mandatory sanctions are not always appropriate, and to build in exceptions and some degree of balancing into the official legal framework.”

Guy Rubinstein/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  https://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2019/08/02/even-tough-on-corruption-proponents-should-worry-about-zero-tolerance-rules/ 

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