Myanmar responsible business / Indonesia rector election / India government's argument

Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business August Newsletter.  Read about what has been happening in Myanmar on the responsible business conduct and business integrity agenda – including the work with SMEs done in partnership with UNDP.

Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business:


Corruption major issue in rector election.  As several Indonesian state universities kicked off the election of their new rectors recently, academic authorities and civil society organizations are calling on election committees and other related stakeholders to stay away from corrupt practices and conflict of interest in the process. Some officials have already approached KPK to ask the antigraft body to help safeguard the process.

Kharishar Kahfi/The Jakarta Post:


Article 370 was elephant in the room, prevented curbing terrorism, corruption: Govt.  Amidst the debates and protests to the BJP-led government’s move to reduce the autonomy of the states for Jammu and Kashmir granted by Article 370, the government issued a detailed booklet explaining the rationale behind the revocation of Article 370 and provision of 35A, that anti-corruption provisions like Right to Information and Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) were not application in the two states because of this article.

The Statesman:

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