Vietnam corruption trial / Bangladesh public hearings / Bigger picture

Vietnam’s Biggest Corruption Trial Starts.  One of Vietnam’s biggest corruption trials began in Hanoi with dozens of former bank executives facing jail time for corrupt practices which cost the bank VND 1.5 trillion (US$ 65.89 million).

Bangladesh: Public hearings can fight corruption (opinion).  "Public hearings can be thought of as a way of removing asymmetric information and thereby, empowering citizens with information, who can be expected to be in a better bargaining position than before."
Nasiruddin Ahmed, Commissioner, Anti-Corruption Commission of Bangladesh/The Daily Star:

Forget ratings, see the bigger picture on corruption (opinion).  "Instead of waiting for annual corruption scores and rankings, we should focus our attention on how governments can put in place actions that will begin to address the underlying causes of such perceptions."

Gambhir Bhatta, Technical Advisor (Governance), Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development Bank/Asian Development Blog:

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