[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: It’s Time to Abandon the “$2.6 Trillion/5% of Global GDP” Corruption-Cost Estimate

"In my post a couple weeks back, I expressed some puzzlement about the source of the widely-quoted estimate that corruption costs the global economy approximately $2.6 trillion, or roughly 5% of global GDP. I was hoping that someone...would be able to point me to the source for this figure... Alas, although several people made some very insightful comments (some of which are in the public comment thread with the original post), this time it seems that nobody out there has been able to point me to a definitive source."

More from Matthew Stephenson, in the Global Anticorruption Blog. http://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2016/01/05/its-time-to-abandon-the-2-6-trillion5-of-global-gdp-corruption-cost-estimate/

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