[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Land Reform - Can an “Incorruptible” Technology Cure Corruption?

"Since its inception in 2009, Bitcoin—a digital currency secured by encryption—has attracted attention, interest, and controversy. Less attention (at least until recently) has been paid to other applications of the underlying technology, 'blockchain,' that makes Bitcoin possible. And while the anonymity associated with Bitcoin is, if anything, often associated with illicit transactions in the 'dark web,' other applications of the blockchain technology might be used to enhance transparency and promote integrity. Some of the early proposals along these lines are indeed encouraging; at the same time, blockchain is not a technological panacea, and recognizing its limitations can identify areas that may require particular attention in anticorruption efforts."

More from Jeanne Jeong, in the Global Anticorruption Blog. http://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2016/01/08/bitcoin-blockchain-and-land-reform-can-an-incorruptible-technology-cure-corruption/

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