Daily Corruption News from Transparency International (19 March 2015)

19 March 2015
Today's top story
Kenya: 'Corruption has opened door to al-Shabaab in Kenya'
The Guardian
After 12 years of scandal anti-corruption authorities in Kenya have finally brought charges against key people allegedly involved in what has become known as one of the country’s biggest corruption cases.

More news

Blogs and opinion
Global: Time for transparency for EU multinationals
Euractiv (TI mention)
Angola: Deadliest country for kids
The New York Times
Turkey: Why is there (almost) no investigative journalism in Turkey?
Today’s Zaman (TI mention)

News from Transparency International
Web feature: #MyHandsAreClean… are yours?
Press release: European Commission and Transparency International join forces for better spending of EU investments

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