[ap-intact] INFO: Aid monitor says Australia 'benefiting' from corruption in Papua New Guinea

[Facilitator's note: With thanks to Charmaine Rodrigues, Constitutional Assistance and Political Dialogue Specialist, UNDP New York, for sharing this information.]

A director of an independent monitor of Australia's aid and trade policy says the Government must do more to combat corruption in Papua New Guinea, including bringing to account Australian companies involved in fraudulent land and business leases in the Pacific nation.

Read the story by Suzie Raines, in Australian Broadcasting Corporation. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-03-06/aid-monitor-says-australia-needs-to-do-more-to-stop-corruption-/6285162

See also:

"Labor senator Sam Dastyari uses parliamentary privilege to name executives allegedly involved in foreign bribery". http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-03-06/corrupt-practices-of-australian-companies-abroad-under-inquiry/6285004

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