[ap-intact] INFO: American Bar Association Teleconference - Kleptocracy, Natural Resources, Communities, & Capacity Building

[Facilitator’s note: Thank you to Victoria Martin, Program Officer, Asia Division, American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative, Washington, DC, for sharing this information.]

On 8 April 2015, the American Bar Association (ABA) is hosting a teleconference on the effects of kleptocracy and other forms of corruption on local communities, with a focus on problems associated with mining, logging, and fishing.  Speakers will describe powerful capacity building measures to promote rule of law and sustainable management of resources to benefit local communities.  Attached is the agenda for your reference. Registration is free. Participants must register on the ABA’s website: http://shop.americanbar.org/ebus/ABAEventsCalendar/EventDetails.aspx?productId=187486053

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