[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: Gecko v. Crocodile, Round Three - Indonesia’s Ongoing Fight between the Police and the KPK

"Although [Indonesia's Corruption Eradication Commission or KPK] is widely considered a great anticorruption success story–and much of the praise is well-deserved–this experience [of confrontation with the Indonesian National Police Force] also suggests that some of the current problems have arisen because of the excessive and unstable power granted to the KPK. An anticorruption super-agency will of course help a country to eradicate corruption. However, in a country where almost every government institution is corrupted, granting too much power to the KPK may isolate it, making it seem like the “enemy” of other institutions, especially if the KPK is granted with powers beyond what is usually permissible under Indonesian law."

Read the post by Shinta Nur Fauzia, in the Global Anticorruption Blog. http://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2015/03/20/gecko-v-crocodile-round-three-indonesias-ongoing-fight-between-the-police-and-the-kpk/

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