U.K. - Nigeria - Liberia


Prison officers in England and Wales to undergo 'financial stability checks' in new anti-corruption measure using technology. "New and existing front-line staff at prisons throughout England and Wales will be asked to undergo checks of their "financial stability" in beefed-up security measures intended to serve as a bulwark against potential bribery or corruption. 

Public Technology: https://www.publictechnology.net/articles/news/prison-officers-undergo-%E2%80%98financial-stability-checks%E2%80%99-new-anti-corruption-measure 


Nigeria to introduce e-procurement system to ease contract documentation. "The e-procurement system is being developed by the bureau in collaboration with the World Bank. As the drivers of the procurement reforms in your ministries, it is important that the information is brought to the attention before deploying it." 

Naira metrics: https://nairametrics.com/2022/05/28/fg-to-introduce-e-procurement-system-to-ease-contract-documentation/ 


[Opinion] Liberia, Corruption and the Consequences of Impunity. "The question now becomes: when are we going to muster the strength and collectively fight against this evil that has plagued us for so long? The answer has always been with us: A push back with the full might of the power and will of the people." 

Global News Network Liberia: http://gnnliberia.com/2022/05/30/liberia-corruption-and-the-consequences-of-impunity/ 

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