U4 – U.K. – Council of Europe

Introduction of U4's publication: Select anti-corruption success stories. "There is far less in terms of anti-corruption success stories that have been studied (due to several factors, including methodological challenges and what anti-corruption success actually means)." 

U4 Anti-corruption Research Centre: https://www.u4.no/publications/select-anti-corruption-success-stories 


Queen's Speech: UK government to introduce bill to tackle illicit finance. "A bill will be brought forward to further strengthen powers to tackle illicit finance, reduce economic crime and help businesses grow. Measures will be introduced to support the security services and help them protect the United Kingdom." 

The Block: https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post/145992/queens-speech-uk-government-to-introduce-bill-to-tackle-illicit-finance 


Annual Report 2021 by the Council of Europe's anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing body MONEYVAL. "Governments need to step up their efforts and coordination to combat money laundering and terrorist financing by adopting stricter regulation and supervision of the virtual assets sector and the specialised "gatekeeper" professions" 

The Council of Europe: https://www.coe.int/en/web/moneyval/-/stricter-regulation-of-virtual-assets-and-specialised-gatekeeper-professions-should-be-priorities-in-combating-money-laundering 

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