Norway - Africa - UNITAR

[Publication] "Investigating the ethics of investments" by U4 Research Centre. "A Council on Ethics monitors whether companies in which the Fund invests meet ethical standards of the Norwegian government. If a company is found to be persistently corrupt, it is put under observation or excluded until it can demonstrate that corruption risks have been adequately addressed." 

U4 Research Centre: 


[Opinion] Africa's urban planners face huge corruption pressures: some answers. "Individual changes in behaviour alone are not enough to address urban corruption challenges on the continent. Legal reforms of outdated planning laws, public service reforms and greater transparency in procurement processes will be equally necessary." 

The Conversation: 


Contemporary Literacy on Anti-corruption: Global Conference by the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Center (ROLACC), in partnership with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). "The lack of literacy on contemporary issues related to anti-corruption plays an important role in the proliferation of corrupt acts, especially in regard to the 'Five Alarms' raised by the United Nations Secretary General in 2022, these being; challenges coming from COVID19; the global financial system; climate change; lawlessness of cybersecurity; as well as peace and security." 


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