G7 - Nigeria - U.S.

G7 Germany 2022 - Foreign Ministers' Communiqué. "We recognize the corrosive impact of corruption in undermining public confidence in democracy and remain committed to convening a stronger, more unified voice in our action against corruption. We support and promote the effective implementation of our international anticorruption obligations and commitments, including those made within the G7." 

Germany Federal Foreign Office: https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/newsroom/news/-/2531266 


[Opinion] Digitalisation As Panacea To Corruption At Ports of Nigeria. "We must be on guard against its excesses and the most credible and scientific approach to resolving it is to digitalize the port processes which in turn will reduce human contact." 

New Telegraph Nigeria: https://www.newtelegraphng.com/digitalisation-as-panacea-to-corruption-at-ports/ 


U.S. Treasury Department, Outlines Strategy to Fight Terrorist Funding, Illicit Finance. "The 2022 National Strategy for Combatting Terrorist and Other Illicit Financing is meant to strengthen the country's anti-money laundering framework and other threats in the wake of the pandemic, the rise of fraud and corruption and the increased digitalization of the financial world." 

PYMNTS.com: https://www.pymnts.com/news/security-and-risk/2022/treasury-department-promotes-illicit-finance-combat-strategy/ 

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