Indonesia soverign fund manager / UN Inter-Parliamentary Union priority / Global fishing corruption

For Indonesia’s sovereign wealth fund, Widodo’s choice of managers supplies needed credibility (Opinion).  “Ridha Wirakusumah, who was named as head of the Indonesia Investment Authority, gets high marks for his integrity and experience. In the wake of Malaysia’s 1MDB scandal, Indonesian government knew it needed ‘top-of-the-line professional management’ for fund, economist says.”

Richard Borsuk/South China Morning Post:  


Make ‘every effort’ to save COVID-19 response from corruption, UN Assembly President urges. “Taking place on 17-18 February, the 2021 [Inter-Parliamentary Union-UN Annual Parliamentary Hearing] focuses on fighting corruption to restore trust in government and improve development prospects. The Hearing is part of the parliamentary contribution to the political declaration of the General Assembly special session against corruption.”

Relief Web:  


Corporate Corruption in Global Fishing Gets New Attention.  “For the developing world, the broader consequence of corporate secrecy and fake companies in the fishing industry is the rapid depletion of their fishing stocks, which is especially dangerous for regions that depend on fish as their primary dietary source of protein…The demand for cheap, readily accessible seafood in Asian, American, and European countries continues to fuel this sort of faraway corruption and criminality,”

Charlotte Norsworthy and Joseph Sullivan/Sentient Media:  

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