Anti-corruption windows of opportunity / Global PEP database / Thailand government transparency recommendations

Seizing a window of opportunity: lessons from research on anti-corruption reform (Blog).  “In recent research, we framed these changes in context as “windows of opportunity” (readers of this blog may also know them as “critical junctures”). In particular, we looked at anticorruption windows created by national scandals and/or incoming presidential administrations committed to reform.”

Florencia Guerzovvich, Soledad Gattoni and Dave Algoso/Oxfam:  


New Paper: “A Proposal for a Global Database of Politically Exposed Persons” (Blog).  “As part of the global effort to combat public corruption, anti-money laundering laws require financial institutions and other entities to conduct enhanced scrutiny on so-called “politically exposed persons” (PEPs)…Unfortunately, the current system for identifying PEPs…is both inefficient and in some cases inaccurate. We therefore propose the creation of a global PEP database, organized and overseen by an inter-governmental body.”

Matthew Stephenson/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  


Recommendations for [Thai] State Agencies to Upgrade ITA to Curb Corruption.  “[Thailand’s National Anti-Corruption Commission] decided to submit to the Cabinet its report on results of the [Integrity and Transparency Assessment] in the operations of state agencies for the 2020 fiscal year. The report also contains a set of recommendations to the Cabinet, requesting that it give support to state agencies in order to improve the ITA program.”

The Government Public Relations Department:  

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