Anti-corruption and peacebuilding / Donor anti-corruption performance / Pakistan Anti-Corruption Academy

Two roads that will never meet? An agenda for dialogue on the intersection of peacebuilding and anti-corruption (Blog).  “Yet my experience in recent years working in the anti-corruption field suggests that anti-corruption practitioners are not typically attuned to how their work intersects with conflict dynamics — with consequences for the effectiveness of their work, as well as for conflict itself…This siloed existence is slowly changing, in part driven by experiences of the international community in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Diana Chigas/Tufts University:       


Reassessing donor performance in anti-corruption: Pathways to more effective practice (Issue Paper).  “A significant evidence base has accumulated that demonstrates how current donor approaches fall far short of their ambitions. This publication proposes new pathways [challenging] the current orthodoxies of donor thinking, donor organisation, and donor relationships with others, both within their own governments and with the recipients of their assistance.”

Phil Mason/U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre:    


NAB sets up Pakistan Anti-Corruption Academy.  “[Pakistan’s] National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Chairman Justice Javed Iqbal said…that the NAB established its own state of the art Pakistan Anti-Corruption Academy (PACA) as it always accords high priority for capacity building of its Investigation Officers (IOs) and prosecutors on regular basis on modern lines as training is continuous process, which is an effective tool for improvement and maintaining the quality of IOs and prosecutors.”

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