CPI top countries / Philippines railways ex-official / Banking sector accountability

CPI 2020: trouble at the top – an analysis.  “Here we look at some of the biggest corruption issues facing countries in the top 25 of the 2020 Corruption Perceptions Index, with scores of 67 and above…Unaccountable financial services…enabling flows of corrupt cash…politics in the interest of a few…exporting corruption along with goods and services…[and] forgetting integrity in the panic of a crisis.”

Transparency International: https://www.transparency.org/en/news/cpi-2020-trouble-at-the-top   


Ex-PNR top official convicted of graft for illegal deals.  “The [Philippine anti-corruption court] Sandiganbayan has found Manuel Andal, former general manager of the Philippine National Railways, guilty of graft for illegally approving contracts in 2009…He was also asked by the court to reimburse the government P86.5 million (approx. US$1.8 mil), which is the amount of public funds unlawfully spent in one of the transactions.”

AC Nicholls/CNN Philippines: https://cnnphilippines.com/news/2021/1/27/PNR-general-manager-Manuel-Andar-graft.html      


“See No Evil, Hear No Evil” – How to Reinforce Banking Sector Accountability (Blog).  “While it may not be immediately obvious, there is a link between behavior and accountability involving the banking sector to many important causes, like anti-corruption, anti-human trafficking, countering terrorist finance, and much more. This blog highlights the rationale for this investigative work and offers five suggestions on how funders can help scale its impact.”

Richard Christel/Transparnecy & Accountability Initiative: https://www.transparency-initiative.org/blog/7304/how-to-reinforce-banking-sector-accountability/  

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