SOE buyer selection guide / Thailand tourism blames corruption / Philippines pursues officials, lobbyists
How to Select Buyers of Oil, Gas and Minerals: Guide for State-Owned Enterprises (Resource). “This Guidance is intended to strengthen state-owned enterprises (SOEs)’ capacity to market commodities and optimise the value of resources sold. It explains how SOEs can set up transparent and competitive buyer selection procedures that reduce discretion, close opportunities for favouritism and corruption, ultimately leading to increased revenues for improved development outcomes.”
Pattaya tourism groups blame ‘corrupt’ government officials for causing Covid-19 second wave. “The first coronavirus outbreak [in Thailand] couldn’t have been helped, [Tourism Council member Thanet Supornsahatrangsi] said, noting it spread quickly from China before anyone was aware. This time, however, the epidemic was entirely preventable if “corrupt” government officials had not let virus-infected illegal aliens enter the country and if police had done their job and shut down illegal casinos everyone knew existed.”
DOF goes after corrupt public officials, private lobbyists. “The Philippine Department of Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III said erring revenue officers in agencies overseen by the DOF have been punished in line with the government’s anti-corruption fight. These included the country’s two biggest tax-collection agencies—the bureaus of Customs (BOC) and of Internal Revenue (BIR)”
Ben O. de Vera/The Inquirer: