Indonesia forestry risks / Beneficial ownership and procurement data / Thailand COVID surge corruption

Deregulation law ‘raises corruption risk’ in Indonesia’s forestry sector (Opinion).  “An analysis of the so-called omnibus law on job creation — passed by parliament in October to cut red tape and make it easy for companies to invest and do business in Indonesia — uncovered 21 areas of potential risk for corruption, according to Hariadi Kartodihardjo, a forestry policy lecturer at the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB).”

Hans Nicholas Jong/Mongabay: 


Connecting the dots between beneficial ownership and procurement data: improving processes and identifying risk (Blog).  “This blog concentrates on the simpler case of modifying existing procurement systems and processes to collect beneficial ownership for all parties during the relevant procurement stages. On its own, this has huge advantages for compliance, internal controls and fraud detection by identifying networks between people and companies involved in procurement.”

Jack Lord/Open Data Services:  


Thailand looks for answers as Covid cases surge (Opinion). “Now the outbreak is stirring debate about the corrupt practices that allowed the virus to resurface – and the role in the Thai economy of more than 2.5m foreign migrants who do the kingdom’s toughest jobs, from laying pavements to peeling supermarket shrimp.”

John Reed/Financial Times:   

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