FW: COVID-19 corruption interview / Responsible business conduct in procurement / Thailand anti-corruption communications research



From: Kamolwan Panyasevanamit
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2021 8:59 AM
To: 'ap.intact.network.global@blogger.com' <ap.intact.network.global@blogger.com>; 'ap.intact.network.global@blogger.com' <ap.intact.network.global@blogger.com>
Subject: COVID-19 corruption interview / Responsible business conduct in procurement / Thailand anti-corruption communications research


Continuing corruption: Profiteering amid the pandemic (Interview).  “We have warned several countries that emergency packages have been adopted and implemented without necessary oversight procedures and mechanisms. This will increase the risks of misuse, fraud and corruption in the implementation of these packages.”

Francesco Checchi (interviewed)/Unravel: https://unravel.ink/continuing-corruption-profiteering-amid-the-pandemic/  


Integrating Responsible Business Conduct in Public Procurement (Report).  “This report takes stock of current practices integrating responsible business conduct (RBC) in public procurement and identifies possible avenues to increase the impact of public procurement strategies to promote responsible business conduct objectives.”

OECD: http://www.oecd.org/gov/integrating-responsible-business-conduct-in-public-procurement-02682b01-en.htm  


Chula reveals new concept to boost Thai participation in anti-corruption.  “A team of researchers at Chulalongkorn University have unveiled research on its new anti-corruption concept, dubbed “The right communications strategy for Khon Thai 4.0 (Thai people) to counter corruption”. The strategy, which encourages citizens to participate in anti-corruption efforts, has been released alongside an indicator, which will evaluate the anti-corruption levels of individuals.”

Bangkok Post: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/pr/2057495/chula-reveals-new-concept-to-boost-thai-participation-in-anti-corruption   

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