Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (30 January 2021): Fiji, PNG


Fiji Anti-Corruption Course Garners Regional Interest.  The anti-corruption course aims to get participants to be Integrity Champions supporting FICAC and other Pacific regional anti-corruption agencies in the fight against corruption.

Court extends bail for MPs.  The Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) will make an application to have the matter involving six SODELPA parliamentarians and a former government member of Parliament to be heard before the High Court in Suva.

Landowner appears in court for dishonesty.  A landowner appeared before the Nausori Magistrates Court charged by FICAC with two counts of general dishonesty obtaining a gain.

Funds from illicit drug activities are more than $10 million per annum.  While speaking during the Fiji Police Force Command Group Retreat, Pryde says drugs are a huge source of proceeds of crime and they need to continue to focus on it…Pryde also says Fiji’s legislation on proceeds of crime and money laundering is the best in the region and they must continue to use it.



In Papua New Guinea, Political Infighting and Debt Hamper Marape’s Reforms.  Prime Minister James Marape has little to show for his efforts to “take back PNG” from corrupt elites and foreign interests, and the recent bout of political infighting hasn’t helped his case… Perhaps the most significant of Marape’s reforms is the passage of a law last month to create of an Independent Commission Against Corruption, with far-reaching investigatory powers.


To know more about the UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project please contact:

Annika Wythes, Regional Anti-Corruption Adviser, UNODC,

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