UNDP Fair Biz newsletter / Myanmar business integrity webinar / Doing Business data irregularities

UNDP Fair Biz in ASEAN Quarterly Newsletter.  Check out UNDP ‘Promoting a Fair Business Environment in ASEAN’ project’s updates such as the launch of “Business integrity toolkit for young entrepreneurs” at the regional level and “Business Integrity Handbook” in Myanmar, and a review of the impact of transparent public procurement in Thailand’s infrastructure construction. It also includes the highlights and links to our recorded webinars on “Justice in the times of COVID-19”, “Promoting Diversity & Inclusion in the Supply Chain”, among other news.

UNDP: https://mailchi.mp/0cf51aed18ec/fairbizinasean-12377655?e=e25eae1c8c  


Building Better Business Integrity in Myanmar (Webinar).  On 11 September 2020 at 4.00 pm Myanmar time, Ms. Vicky Bowman, Director of MCRB and Mr. Thomas Crick, Project Manager at UNDP, will discuss current challenges for business integrity in Myanmar and legislative and non-legislative initiatives which are aiming address these. The audience is invited to share their experience and identify opportunities for collective action. Please register via the link below.

Myanmar Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce: https://www.eventnook.com/event/u71052/home  


Doing Business – Data Irregularities Statement.  “A number of irregularities have been reported regarding changes to the data in the Doing Business 2018 and Doing Business 2020 reports, published in October 2017 and 2019… The publication of the Doing Business report will be paused as we conduct our assessment.”

World Bank: https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/statement/2020/08/27/doing-business---data-irregularities-statement

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