Challenge fund opportunity / COVID-19 corruption reports / Republic of Korea recent developments

Government Accountability and Responsiveness during COVID-19 (Funding opportunity).  “[Asian Development Bank], in collaboration with the Open Government Partnership (OGP), aims to explore how digital technology can be leveraged to strengthen the monitoring of COVID-19 related spending and improve feedback and grievance redressal  mechanisms…The winning solution will have potential funding of USD 10,000 or more for selected pilots in ADB’s developing member countries.”

ADB and OGP:


Citizens report corruption in covid-19 humanitarian aid, quarantine, health care.  “Since January, Transparency International’s Advocacy and Legal Advice Centres (ALACs) operating in 60 countries have received over 1,500 reports of corruption and other irregularities related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The cases…describe bribery, favouritism, and other corruption acts witnessed by citizens in the delivery of humanitarian aid, the enforcement of restrictions on travel and movement, and in the provision of COVID-19 testing and treatment.”

Transparency International:   


Recent Developments in Anti-Corruption Enforcement in South Korea (Analysis).  “In this article, we introduce some key developments that are consistent with the Moon administration’s stated commitment…a focus on alternate forms of corruption such as corrupt hiring practices…kickbacks and bribery in the pharmaceutical industry prosecuted under charges of embezzlement and tax offences; and increased whistleblower reports, through both public and private channels.”

Hee Won Mon and Miji Song/Who’s Who Legal:  

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