Technology and anti-corruption / India RTI requests / COVID-19 aid missing

The role of technology and anti-corruption measures in fighting COVID-19 (Blog).  “The integrated approach adopted by the Global Centre for Technology, Innovation and Sustainable Development in Singapore and the Global Anti-Corruption Programme seeks to leverage ‘technology for integrity, and integrity for technology’, and ensure that we increasingly see sustainable results from UNDP’s support to countries in facing the emerging challenges of today, focusing on governance, social protection, green economy and digital disruption.

Bradley Busetto and Anga Tamilsina/UNDP:  


Lack of transparency over Modi’s Covid-19 relief fund hurts Indian democracy (Opinion).  “Several information seekers, including me, have tried to use India’s Right to Information (RTI) Act, which facilitates access to government files and records, to find out more details about the fund. We have been blocked, with a number of requests for information turned down by Modi’s office on the grounds that the fund is a public charitable trust and not a “public authority” as defined under the RTI act.”

Vidya Venkat/Quartz India:      


Citizens struggle as promised COVID-19 aid goes missing (Blog).  “Governments have pledged trillions of dollars in economic stimulus to help ease the hardship—but, in many places, corruption is preventing aid from reaching the people who need it most.”

Transparency International:

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