Indonesia political corruption / China SOE executive / Malaysia-China corruption links

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Corruption in Jokowi’s Indonesia (Opinion).  “The persistence of corruption, especially the political one, has seemingly been in line with the high level of electoral frauds… Needless to say, fraudulent elections and political corruption are connected, and there need strategies and measures to curtail them.”

Abdurrahman Syebubakar/Bangkok Post:  


Apparent Suicide Raises Questions Over BRI Corruption.  “There are unanswered questions over the apparent August 16 suicide of Chen Fenjian…a former top executive of two large Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) engaged in the Belt and Road Initiative, one of which, China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), was recently sanctioned and accused of corruption by the US government.”

Toh Han Shih/Asia Sentinel:  


Najib's Key Contractor In China Just Fell Off A Tall Building. Why?.  “It was during Chen Fenjian’s tenure at the top of CCCC that a string of corrupt deals with Malaysia were sealed, involving massive kickbacks that were made to Najib Razak’s Ministry of Finance (MOF) in return for the vastly inflated East Coast Railway Project.”

Sarawak Report:  

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