Open contracting recommendations / Hong Kong IPO-related bribery / Transparency during pandemic

Recommendations on open contracting for OGP action plans (Resource).  This briefing discusses: fighting corruption in public procurement in the context of the Open Government Partnership; trends and examples of good practice in open contracting; existing commitments and recommendations for inclusion in action plans”

Transparency International:  


Ex-Hong Kong exchange official charged with IPO-related bribery.  “Hong Kong’s anti-corruption unit has charged a former exchange official with bribery and misconduct over a 2017 IPO application by thread manufacturer Shen You Holdings.”



Ensuring Adequate Anticorruption, Accountability, and Transparency Measures During the Pandemic (Blog).  “It will not only require that our government acts swiftly and effectively, but that the crisis response is not undermined by corruption or other forms of malfeasance. Even in a moment of crisis—indeed, especially in a moment of crisis—it is essential that we, the public, demand that our governments adhere to the highest standards of anticorruption, accountability, and transparency.”

Shruti Shah and Alex Amico/The Global Anticorruption Blog:

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