Fair business initiatives / Malaysia corporate liability / India case study

Adopting collaborative solutions to increase transparency and integrity in South East Asia.  Addressing corruption and strengthening governance systems requires an active role of governments, the private sector and civil society. UNDP’s regional initiative “Promoting Fair Business Environment in ASEAN”aims to improve transparency and integrity both in the public and private sector, through a collaborative approach. As a result of last year’s Fair Biz Lab, Viet Nam, Indonesia and Thailand are now pilot-testing collaborative platforms as a new approach to promote responsible business practices, increase transparency, business integrity and community participation at subnational and national level. 

Read more about the projects here: https://www.undp.org/content/dam/rbap/docs/dg/Fairbiz4Prosperity/Fair%20Biz%20Grant%20projects%20summary%20V5.pdf  


MySay: Navigating the waves of corporate and personal liability on corruption (Opinion).  “Business owners and top management must appraise the radical changes of the risk allocation for potential acts of bribery and design an anti-corruption compliance programme to comply with the legal requirements…The thrust of the law is to introduce hefty fines for commercial organisations and custodial sentences for directors and officers for acts of corruption by any “associated persons” of the business.”

Selvaraja Muthaya/The Edge Malaysia: https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/mysay-navigating-waves-corporate-and-personal-liability-corruption


Business case study: How a CEO learnt to deal with corruption inside (and outside) her company.  An excerpt from the corporate biography of Conzerv, the energy management company that became a Harvard Business School case study.

Hema Hattangady and Ashish Sen/Scroll.in: https://scroll.in/article/956341/business-case-study-how-a-ceo-learnt-to-deal-with-corruption-inside-and-outside-her-company  

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