Japan electricity provider / Corruption and coronavirus / Cambodia social accountability

Kansai Electric ordered to improve operations after bribery scandal.  “The [Japanese government] ordered Kansai Electric Power Co to improve its business operations following a bribery scandal…[which] began in 1987…and continued for more than three decades until they were discovered in a tax audit.”

Japan Today: https://japantoday.com/category/crime/kansai-electric-ordered-to-improve-operations-over-bribery-scandal    


Corruption and the coronavirus (Blog).  “The procurement of medicines and supplies in health systems is typically one of the most vulnerable areas for corruption. According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), approximately 10 – 25 per cent of all money spent on procurement globally is lost to corruption… And that’s during normal times.”

Transparency International: https://www.transparency.org/news/feature/corruption_and_the_coronavirus   

Scaling up Social Accountability in Key Public Services in Cambodia.  “US$5.95 million was granted to World Vision International for social accountability activities, including mobilizing community facilitators to inform citizens of the services they are entitled to and the use of public funds. Facilitators will develop community scorecards for citizens to evaluate the quality of public services and agree on joint action plans with the service providers.”

Modern Diplomacy: https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2020/03/21/scaling-up-social-accountability-in-key-public-services-in-cambodia/     

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