Information and accountability / Corruption research problems / Japan money politics

Information and Accountability: Evidence Syntheses of Within Government and Citizen-Government Accountability Pathways (Resource).  “…a high-level summary of evidence from a detailed evidence syntheses on within-government and citizen-government accountability actors and pathways. These pathways provide one framework to understand existing evidence on how information affects government accountability.”

MIT Governance Lab/Transparency & Accountability Initiative:  


Two problems of corruption research (Blog). “…two problems of corruption research are (1) that its universal definition does not help achieve a concrete comprehension of its manifestations in specific contexts; and (2) that the use of perception-based indices does not offer a real understanding of the size of the phenomenon.”

Gian Marco Moisé/School of Oriental and African Studies Anti-Corruption Evidence (SOAS-ACE):  


Power and Money in Japanese Politics (Opinion). “…bribery should not be tolerated or justified under any circumstances, and it is ultimately a question of the personal morality and integrity of each politician. But the unstable status and different economic backgrounds of Diet members might be regarded as one of the remote causes of bribery and corruption in Japanese politics.”

Daisuke Akimoto/The Diplomat:  

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