Myanmar corporate governance / CPI-Financial Secrecy Index / Campaign finance disclosure

Transparency and corporate governance will benefit Myanmar economic growth: UK trade envoy.  “Myanmar needs to ensure that its economic growth is “a force for good” for the country’s transition to democracy, said Paul Scully, the UK Prime Minister’s trade envoy to Myanmar…Speaking at the launch of the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business’s Pwint Thit Sa 2020 assessment, Mr Scully…said one way to ensure that economic growth makes a positive impact on Myanmar is for businesses to be responsible in their governance and practices.”

Kyaw Soe Htet/Myanmar Times:


Building a fuller picture: The Financial Secrecy Index & CPI (Blog).  “The level of corruption in a country may be a factor in the decision of which secrecy loopholes to abuse and where. At the same time, high levels of secrecy in jurisdictions with strong rule of law and low levels of corruption provide the perfect destination to stash the proceeds of crime and corruption.”

Maíra Martini and Roberto M. Kukutschka/Transparency International:  


Do Stronger Campaign Finance Disclosure Rules Reduce Corruption? A Critical Assessment of Transparency International’s CPI Report (Blog).  First, the claim that weak campaign finance regulations are associated with higher corruption might well be true; indeed, I’m inclined to believe it probably is true, all else equal. Second, to really test whether there’s a genuine association here, one could and should run multivariate regressions with a range of control variables.

Matthew Stephenson/The Global Anticorruption Blog:

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