India RTI amendment / India RTI improvement / Malaysia new foundation

The 2019 Amendments to India’s Right to Information Law Threaten to Blunt a Powerful Anticorruption Instrument (Blog).  “the amendments focused on the appointment, tenure, and salary of the Information Commissioners. Proponents of the changes claimed that these amendments were minor technical fixes, designed to streamline the appeals process and improve functioning. In fact, the amendments pose a serious threat to the autonomy of the Information Commissions, and thus to the efficacy of the RTI law in exposing wrongdoing that could embarrass or incriminate powerful political figures and their cronies.”

Inayat Sabhikhi/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  


Improving India’s Right to Information Law to Protect Citizens (Blog).  “In particular, there are two measures the government could take…First, whenever any person who has submitted an RTI request with a public authority is physically attacked, the relevant Information Commission should order that public authority to immediately release and publicize the information sought by the attacked applicant… Second, the government can and should do more to proactively disclose certain kinds of information, so that transparency doesn’t depend as much on private citizens taking the initiative”

Inayat Sabhikhi/The Global Anticorruption Blog:


Dr M launches foundation to support victimised anti-corruption officers.  “A foundation has been launched to provide assistance to officers of anti-corruption agencies who are victimised, persecuted or abused for carrying out their duties. The Perdana International Anti-Corruption Champion Foundation (Piaccf) is also meant to help those who have been intimidated, threatened or maliciously punished while on duty.

Mazwin Nik Anis/The Star:

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