Anti-corruption networks performance / CPI score changes / FCPA top case

Networks of anti-corruption authorities - Living up to their aspirations? (Resource/Brief).  “Networks of anti-corruption authorities pursue cross-border collaboration and joint capacity building, and sometimes even joint principles, joint policy making, and harmonization of national laws. Information about these activities and their outcomes is scarce, but it is clear that most of the networks are not yet reaching their political and technical potential.”

Sofie Arjon Schütte/U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre:


Small Year-to-Year Changes in CPI Scores Are Meaningless. Small Year-to-Year Changes in CPI Scores Are Meaningless. Small Year-to-Year Changes in CPI Scores Are Meaningless (Blog).  “Because year-to-year changes in an individual country’s CPI score usually meaningless, they are not newsworthy, nor can they be invoked to make substantive claims about corruption’s causes or consequences, or the success or failure of different countries’ anticorruption policies.”

Matthew Stephenson/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  


Airbus shatters the FCPA top ten (Blog).  “Airbus SE smashed our top ten list Friday with a $2.09 billion [Foreign Corrupt Practices Act] settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice, sending it straight to number one.”

Harry Cassin/FCPA Blog:

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