Malaysia empower women / Myanmar draft bill / Thailand House committee

Empower Women to Fight Corruption: Dr Wan Azizah.  “Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail called for more engagement and collaboration “to ensure women from all walks of lives have the ability to be at the forefront and centre in our societies to fight corruption” when addressing delegates at an APEC symposium this week in Putrajaya, Malaysia.”

Modern Diplomacy:


Yangon MPs Draft Bill to Rein In Mismanagement of Public Funds.  “The Yangon regional parliament is drafting a law to increase transparency in the use of public funds and to reduce waste through mismanagement, according to... [t]he chairwoman of the regional parliamentary committee on finance, planning and economy, Daw Sandar Min”

Aung Hiha/The Irrawaddy:    


Graft panel delivers zip (Editorial).  “Given [Thailand’s] notoriety in [corruption], the public's expectations of deliverables from the House committee on anti-corruption and misconduct are high. But the committee has delivered next to nothing.”

Bangkok Post:    

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