Term "passive bribery" / Stopping money laundering / Philippines FOI efforts

An Almost Entirely Trivial Complaint About Terminology: Can We Please Retire the Term “Passive Bribery”? (Blog).  “…let’s stop abusing language, and at the same time stop inadvertently implying that the act of demanding a bribe isn’t as serious (or that the bribe-demanders aren’t as culpable) by dropping “passive bribery” from our vocabulary.”

Matthew Stephenson/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  https://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2019/08/27/an-almost-entirely-trivial-complaint-about-terminology-can-we-please-retire-the-term-passive-bribery/


Three ways to stop money laundering through real estate (Blog).  “…there are concrete measures that make it significantly more difficult for the corrupt to stash their dirty money in property…asset declarations…regulating gatekeepers… a central register online that simply shows who owns what property”

Transparency Internationalhttps://www.transparency.org/news/feature/three_ways_to_stop_money_laundering_through_real_estate


Vico Sotto to focus on Freedom of Information, transparency in gov't projects.  “The Pasig City mayor [in the Philippines] promises transparent public biddings for local government project contracts as he sets up mechanisms for free access to public records.”

JC Gotinga/Rappler: https://www.rappler.com/nation/239543-vico-sotto-focus-freedom-information-transparency-government-projects

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