Corruption legal remedies / Foreign anti-corruption laws / Weak corporate governance

Legal Remedies for Grand Corruption (Blog/Resource).  “A new volume from the Open Society Justice Initiative…describes how civil society can mobilize courts of law in the struggle. It recounts efforts that range from using international tribunals to force government to address corruption,” 

Rick Messick/The Global Anticorruption Blog:

Direct link to the resource here:


How to get countries to enforce foreign anti-bribery and corruption laws (Blog).  “Drawing upon international relations theory, we argue that the future of such laws depends upon whether the promulgation of anti-bribery and corruption laws becomes the mission of a stable group of countries providing the public good (anti-corruption law) for private reasons (ensuring level playing field to their domestic business lobby).”

Sean J. Griffith and Thomas H. Lee/The FCPA Blog:


Weak Governance Comes Back To Bite Nissan Again with Saikawa’s Departure (Opinion).  Japan has been overhauling corporate-governance standards for a few years now in the wake of financial scandals and broad recognition that the country’s practices were lax.

Dale Buss/Chief Executive:

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