Indonesia rainforest links / Republic of Korea corporate governance / Malaysia CPI measures

Indonesia reboots effort to end corporate secrecy as anonymous firms destroy Papuan rainforest.  “The U.N. Convention against Corruption, ratified by Indonesia, encourages states to promote beneficial ownership transparency as a means of combating graft. If successful, these efforts may also have consequences in the forests of Indonesia, where investors driving deforestation remain hidden behind layers of corporate secrecy.”

The Gecko Project:


Why governance reform is key to make chaebol accountable (Opinion).  “To enact some semblance of control over chaebol [or large family-owned business conglomerates], the government has focused on cracking down on corruption and taking executives to court; however, this does not appear to be the sole solution to reforms. In fact, a focus on reforming the governance structures of these organizations may be a route to more lasting change.”

Eugene Kim and Kim Ah-jeong/The Investor: 


Greater transparency needed in govt’s efforts to liberate M'sia from graft (Opinion).  “Countries which demonstrate greater transparency, disclosures and take proactive measures to counter corruption, especially in the public sector, will tend to do well in the Corruption Perception Index rankings.”

Transparency International Malaysia/Malaysiakini:

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