Right to information / IMF programmes' effect / Indonesia law reconsidered

Real lives, real stories: The Power of Information in Asia Pacific (Resource).  “In this publication, we focus on the people who make right to information laws come to life, and who use them as tools to fight corruption. In the following pages, you will find the stories of citizens from 10 countries across the Asia Pacific region who have used their right to information to demand accountability from their governments.”

Transparency International: https://www.transparency.org/whatwedo/publication/real_lives_real_stories_the_power_of_information_in_asia_pacific


How IMF programmes can increase corruption (Opinion).  “But the IMF also needs to avoid mandating policy reforms that weaken state institutions. And it must find ways to compensate for losses of privileges incurred by powerful interest groups. Otherwise, corruption will thrive.”

Bernhard Reinsberg and Thomas Stubbs/The Conversation: http://theconversation.com/how-imf-programmes-can-increase-corruption-123718


After protests, Indonesia president considers dropping anti-graft law.  Indonesian President Joko Widodo said he is considering revoking a new law governing the country's anti-corruption agency, which has alarmed activists and helped drive the biggest student protests in decades.

Channel NewsAsia: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/indonesia-protests-joko-widodo-anti-corruption-law-11946974 

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