Gender and corruption / Malaysian judiciary reform / Chinese company training

Gender and corruption: where do we go from here? (Blog).  “Commitments are a valuable starting point, but without real action, they’re simply empty promises. Here are [seven] ideas countries could use to tackle gender and corruption...”

M Emilia Berazategui/Transparency International:


Msian Bar called on to help cast off negative perception of judiciary.  In the Malaysian Chief Justice’s speech during the launch of the UNDP report on the International Framework for Court Excellence (IFCE) Malaysia, CJ Malanjum said a collaboration between the judiciary and the legal fraternity is needed on the matter as it concerns both parties.

Khairah N Karim/The New Straits Times: employees visit prisons for anti-corruption education.  E-commerce company has drawn public attention by taking its employees on a tour of a Beijing prison to teach them the value of freedom and the peril of corruption, according to an official JD WeChat account called lianjian JD, which means JD against corruption.

Global Times:

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