1MDB overseas repercussions / Indonesia campaign funding / Thailand reform needs

Fed sanctions former Goldman Sachs bankers over 1MDB money-laundering scandal.  The U.S. Federal Reserve had sanctioned Tim Leissner and Roger Ng, two former Goldman Sachs Group Inc bankers, for their roles in "a scheme that illegally diverts billions of dollars from a Malaysian sovereign wealth fund,”

Suzanne Barlyn and Katanga Johnson/Yahoo Finance: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/u-fed-sanctions-former-goldman-141903484.html


Indonesia needs transparency in campaign funding (Opinion).  “Rather than speaking in generalities, the candidates should adopt three specific proposals. First, they should support legislation that would impose strict limits on the amount of money a candidate can spend in a presidential election. Second, they should support legislation that would require public disclosure of all campaign-related expenditures. Finally, they should support strict enforcement, and harsh penalties for violations, of these requirements.”

Ahmad Novindri Aji Sukma/Asia Times: https://www.asiatimes.com/2019/03/opinion/indonesia-needs-transparency-in-campaign-funding/


Here’s what Thailand needs to thrive (Opinion).  “Overall, key issues are obvious concerning legal reforms for less corruption and economic equality, as well as for better income redistribution and international economic competitiveness via infrastructure investments and adoption of 5G and other disruptive digital technologies.”

The Nation: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/opinion/30365858

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