Afghanistan watch list / Vanuatu information law / India pending cases

Afghanistan launches financial "Watch List".  The Afghanistan Financial Intelligence Unit has launched a database of High Risk Subjects (FinTRACA Watch List), which includes predicate offenses such as money laundering, terrorist financing, and corruption.
For more details, please visit:
With appreciation to Nesar Yosufzai, Director General, Financial Intelligence Unit, Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center of Afghanistan (FinTRACA) for sharing this information.

Information law further enforced in VanuatuSeven government departments in Vanuatu are now formally obliged to provide access to information after a signing ceremony.
Radio New Zealand:

Over 6,400 corruption cases pending trials in India's courts.  A total of 16,875 government employees, 18,780 private persons and 115 politicians are accused in these cases.
Hindustan Times:

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