Mauritius convention / Bound to fail / Asia corporates

A Step in the Right Direction: Lessons in Transparency from the Mauritius Convention (analysis).  "Signing the Mauritius Convention itself was a progressive move for Australia, particularly doing so ahead of the other international arbitration hubs in the Asia-Pacific region, Singapore and Hong Kong."
Bronwyn Lincoln (Partner) & Jaclyn Smith (Senior Associate)/Corrs, Chambers, Westgarth:

Governance Without Data Is Bound to Fail (opinion).  "Those who are familiar with the policy making processes in the country are aware that policy making in India is often arbitrary, seldom based upon prevalent trends, ground realities or data and mostly done in order to fulfil commitments to international conventions."
Manisha Shastri/The Citizen:

As Asia's Corporates Grow Up, Tackling Global Corruption Will Fall to the UN (opinion).  "The progress made across Asia to address systemic corruption has been encouraging. However, it is critical that Asian countries continue to work constructively within the UNCAC framework to ensure continued progress."
Rebecca Li, Director of Anti-Corruption and Compliance at the Berkeley Research Group in Hong Kong/Forbes:

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