Myanmar age limit / Malaysia university survey / Indonesia corruption survey
Myanmar Parliament pushes up age limit for Anti-Corruption Commission members. The age limit for Anti-Corruption Commission members has been increased from 70 years to 75 years to put focus on experience and ability.
Htoo Thant/Myanmar Times:
Survey finds one in every three Malaysian students thinks corruption is okay. A survey on Students’ Perception of Corruption carried out by the Integrity Institute of Malaysia (IIM) reveals that one in every three local university students thinks that receiving a present in the form of money, goods or service in return for services rendered is not corruption.
MalayMail Online:
Public Trustin KPK Remains High, Pollster Says. Eighty-six (86%) percent of respondents of the Anti-Corruption National Survey 2017 conducted April-May 2017 by the Pollster Polling Center and Indonesia Corruption Watch consider President Joko Widodo and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as the most trustworthy institutions in the country.