Open Government Partnership blog

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This blog is part of a series on how open government can help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The series came out of a collaboration between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Bangkok Regional Hub and the Open Government Partnership (OGP) to find practical examples of how open government is helping countries achieve the SDGs in the Asia-Pacific region.

Open Government for Sustainable Development in Asia-Pacific: Results are in! "Earlier this summer, the UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub and OGP launched a call for information on open government initiatives that are contributing to or have the potential to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Asia-Pacific region."

Liviana Zorzi and Shreya Basu/Open Government Partnership:

From Waste Disposal to Water Delivery: Citizen Empowerment through the Check My Service Initiative.  "When I travel abroad and meet with my foreign counterparts, colleagues, and friends, I always ask them one question: 'To what extent are you and the people of your country satisfied with the quality and delivery of public services?' "

Undral Gombodorj/Open Government Partnership:

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