Malaysia think-tank / Bangladesh convictions / Corruption studies

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Make Malaysian anti-graft body truly independent, says think-tank.  The Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairsproposes that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission be raised to a constitutionally mandated Independent Anti-Corruption Commission with security of tenure for its 15 commissioners.
Free Malaysia Today:

Survey finds lower conviction rate in Bangladesh grafts.  Bangladesh’s anti-corruption commission is perceived as a tool of political harassment, according to a study conducted by a non-governmental graft watchdog.

14th Postgraduate Certificate in Corruption Studies - Final reminder - deadline for application: 31st August, 2016.  The 14th Postgraduate Certificate in Corruption Studies will be held in Hong Kong from 15 November – 8 December 2016 and it is now inviting applications from overseas anti-corruption or related organizations in both public and private sectors.
Click here for more information or to apply:

Thank you to Tony Kwok, Adjunct Professor & Hon Course Director, Hong Kong University School of Professional and Continuing Education, for sharing this information.

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